All Nations Bible Church
We live in a society that is known for its mobility and its rootlessness. Job transfers and career moves are all part of the Canadian lifestyle. Yet, as Christians, we know we should live out our Christian life according to how Christ taught the church to live, thus, the necessity to be planted. There is something spiritually significant that happens when a person moves from attending a church to becoming an integral and functioning part of that church.
"Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward them for what they have done."
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2355 Derry Rd. East unit 9, Mississauga, Ontario. Canada
+1 (416) 856-0751
Contact Us
2355 Derry Rd. East unit 9, Mississauga, Ontario. Canada
+1 (416) 856-0751
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By PETER W. TEAGUE Holy Week is when Christians consider the events leading to the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus