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Contact Info

684 West College St. Sun City, United States America, 064781.

(+55) 654 - 545 - 1235



We Believe

We believe there should be no debt, with the exception of major things like a house, car or building for the church. I believe in relying on the provision of God and being self-supporting. Debt can in many cases be associated with materialism and wrong decision-making and lack of discipline. We must live within our means as God provides. I would establish debt counselling as the need arises.

I believe that tithing is not an option and demonstrates where the persons heart is. I approach tithing not as legalistic requirement, but as a release of Gods blessing upon His children. I would insure proper biblical teaching on tithing and stewardship.

We believe in biblical excommunication with the intent of restoring the fallen members to right fellowship with God and the Body of Christ. We would establish right procedures in excommunication with the elder board and before it would be accomplished, every other biblical avenue would be exhausted to restore the member before it got to excommunication.

We do not advocate divorce in any sense of the word because of the marriage covenant. Each case must be dealt with in detail to determine if there are any extenuating circumstances such as immorality or extreme violence, etc. We acknowledge divorce and remarriage in special circumstances as before the blood or in line with Scripture. We would not place or keep anyone in church leadership if divorce or remarriage took place after the blood of Jesus.

We believe strongly in biblical counselling with the power of the Holy Spirit and by the Word of God. We do not believe in current psychology counselling with drug medication, as it can be extremely harmful to the person.

We are firm believers in Christian education formally as well as home schooling and if the Lord ever provided the way and the means we would love to establish a Christian school connected with the church.

We believe it is biblical and a spiritual gift. We believe that the baptism of the Holy Spirit can be manifested with the spiritual gift of speaking in other tongues as well as other gifts but it is not the only way to determine if one is saved. It depends on the person’s heart response. We believe that one can receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit by one’s spiritual hunger as well as the laying on of hands.
We would establish our church as a cell group church. We strongly believe in the small group ministry with trained leaders and want to pattern our church after the Acts 2:42 model of the early church.
We firmly believe that our church must be a user-friendly church with open communication, grace, mercy and love. Without the user-friendly concepts, growth can be diminished. The congregation must desire to grasp and support the vision and feel that they are a vital part of the Body of Christ ministering to one another just as in the early church model.

We Believe

A short guide to understanding some common questions if you have never been in a church service like ours, you may have some questions. We want to provide you with a short guide to help you understand some Biblical principles that guide us in our church services.